Welcome! This part of our website shares websites, articles, and videos that we think are interesting or helpful for those touched by adoption. If you find something you think we should take a look at, let us know! And feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section! We look forward to hearing from you.

Today we’re sharing an article from the Huffington Post on the popular show, This Is Us. Our staff are huge fans of this show. Adoption is not new to TV or movies, but the depth, care, and reality that This Is Us uses is unique. It touches on the topics of grief, loyalty, openness, and being part of a transracial family. One thing we appreciate about this article is that it is written by an adopted person who was raised in a transracial family. Learning from those in the adoption triad (adoptive parents, adopted people, birth parents) is so important. Listening to adopted people and birth parents is especially valuable as their voices aren’t heard as often. So take a few minutes to read the article and tell us what you think!
As a Black Adoptee, Randall’s Story on This Is Us Feels Real to Me – Judith Craig Morency
Are you watching? What have you loved? What have you learned?